How to Get A’s in All Your Classes

Getting good grades, especially in college is totally do-able. There are always those classes that everyone is bound to struggle in, but with following these tips below, you’ll be sure to do the best you possibly can!

Be Organized

Organization is essential. Printing out your syllabus, writing down assignment due dates in your planner, keeping track of homework assignments, quizzes, tests, and any notes, is vital for your grade. There were so many times that my grade suffered simply because I wasn’t organized, on top of my work and missed an assignment that I couldn’t make up.

Staying organized and keeping all your homework assignments for the semester is great for looking back and studying, but also if your grade is marked incorrectly. This way you can dispute the grade with showing your professor the assignment, which the physical assignment, this can be incredibly hard to do.

Being in school for the past 17 years, I feel like I have a pretty awesome system for staying organized. Each semester I purchase a single 2 inch binder and dividers. This is where I store all my handouts, readings, homework assignments, study guides, tests, quizzes, or anything that I have printed out for the class. I hole-punch everything to make sure everything is securely in the binder. For an everyday class I carry around a multi-subject notebook so I can organize my notes by subject.

Buy the Textbook and Read it

Not going to lie, I don’t always read all the readings that are assigned for classes, but when I do, I always do better in the class and understand the material better, especially when it comes to exam time.

Reading the assigned chapters before they’re due will keep you up-to-date with the material, allow you to ask questions in class, do better on exams, and lessen your workload when it comes to exams. I find if I read the material beforehand,  I’m not cramming 10 chapters before the exam, which is incredibly nice.

Take Notes

Along with doing the reading, taking notes is 100% necessary. Find out what works with you when it comes to taking notes. Some people like taking notes on their computer, printing out Powerpoints and jotting down additional information, or like me, writing them down with good ole pen and paper. I know from my years of experience, writing down information helps me remember it. When I write things down, I’m reiterating what I learned and by doing the act of writing it down, my brain is more likely to remember it. If you find that you’re not absorbing the information in with one style of notes, switch it up and try something different!


Reviewing notes after the class will really help you remember the information and make it easier when it comes to exams. What I like to do is review the class material from the last class right before I have that class again. That way I have the material fresh in my mind and if there happens to be a pop quiz, I have a better chance on doing well on the quiz.

Eliminate Distractions

Distractions can come in many different forms. In class distractions can be your phone, computer, other assignments, or even eating. Try to eliminate distractions. Be in the moment, focus only on that class, the material you’re learning, and stop thinking about everything else. If you find that you’re always on your phone throughout the class, try putting it away for that class period. Most classes are short enough that chances are, you won’t miss much in the next 50 minutes.

Distractions outside of the classroom is personally the hardest thing for me to get rid of. When I’m home, I’m in my comfort zone. I tend to watch Youtube videos, text my friends, work on my blog, while trying to get an assignment done for class. This drags on my assignment and makes a 30 minute assignment last two hours. Setting a designated time and place (not in your bed) to work on your assignments, do your reading, study for an exam, will really help save time and allow you to focus on the assignment you’re working on.

Go To Class

The number one rule for getting A’s in your class is to actually go to the class. There is so much information that you learn face-to-face from the professor that you don’t learn through a textbook. Going to class allows you to clarify any questions you may have, but also start a relationship with your professor. If you have a question, need an extension, or help on an assignment on a paper, your professor will be more likely to help you if they actually know who you are.

Just because you’re in class doesn’t mean you’re getting the most out of it. Be involved, raise your hand, give your opinion on different topics in class. Nothing bad will come out being actively involved in class.

I found that these tips have really helped me do my best in my college classes. By making sure I do all these things, I’ve been on the Dean’s List every semester I’ve been in school and it’s been hard work, but once getting in the habit of doing all these things, it’s almost second nature.

I hope you find these tips to getting A’s in your classes helpful! Let me know in the comments down below your tips for doing well in school!

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